Vacant New Jersey

Photostream » September 2018 » West Philadelphia High School

Sit Down. Be Humble.

A covertly placed motion sensor nearly completely hidden above an obtruding door frame manages to catch my eye, for a small red light blinks as I walk beneath its field of range. In response, I stop and wave my hands all around like some deranged lunatic while standing in front of the sensor. In return the humble and dim red light continues to blink in repetition, as if mocking my movements. "Shit!" I exclaim silently in my head, clearly there is still some power running through the vacant high school. Now whether or not the sensor successfully called home to alert the police is a risk I quickly decide to take upon turning the corner of the hallway and walking into a massive and exquisite auditorium within the recently vacated West Philadelphia High School. This is worth a game of cat and mouse.

At this point I begin to realize that if I had tripped one motion alarm chances are I walked past at least few more without ever noticing their presence. "Maybe you should just bounce now, while you know you can get out" my shoulder angel tries to convince of me. "Fuck it, you've made it this far and if the police show up, it'll be one hell of a game of hide-n-seek" my opposing shoulder devil successfully assures me of. Plus, it had been at least a half-hour since entering the school and as far as I could tell from looking out various windows I wasn't surrounded yet. I guess I'll push my luck and play the motion alarms bluff this time around, but only because the risk is well worth the reward.